Debatir; Programa de debates; Debates; Discusión
= debate, discussion, disputation, dispute, thread, argument, spat, war of words.
Ex: The debate as to which is the most effective way to classify books has not been positively settled.
Ex: In a journal most formal items including articles, essays, discussions and reviews can be expected to be accompanied by an abstract.
Ex: Academic disputations are generally entered under the heading for the faculty moderator.
Ex: In practice meetings of the Council of Ministers -- the Community's main legislative body -- have in recent years become a forum for acrimonious dispute.
Ex: The thread linking these giants is the acknowledgement that libraries exist to serve their users.
Ex: We do not want to see young assistants at the counter getting involved in an argument.
Ex: It also includes a blow-by-blow account of spats between management and labor.
Ex: War of words exposed chinks in coalition.
* centrar una discusión = focus + discussion.
* discusión acalorada = hand-waving.
* discusiones sobre gustos y colores = flame war.
* discusiones sobre nimiedades = hair-splitting argument.
* discusión + girar en torno a = discussion + centre around.
* discusión sobre nimiedades = hair-splitting argument, hair-splitting [hairsplitting].
* el tema de la discusión = the focus of the discussion.
* foro de discusión = newsgroup [news group], electronic forum.
* generar discusión = generate + discussion.
* grupo de discusión = discussion group.
* lista de discusión = discussion list.
* no admitir discusión = be out of the question.
* panel de discusión = discussion panel.
* posponer una discusión = table + discussion.
* proponer a discusión = moot.
* punto de discusión = bone of contention.
* retomar una discusión = pick up + discussion.
* suscitar la discusión = spark + discussion.
* tema de discusión = discussion topic.